Please Note: We are away for the 2nd half of September, so if you need your order quickly, please place it before Thursday September 12th.
from: Muz Murray


After nearly fifty years of offering Mantra & Advaita workshops all over the world, I have virtually withdrawn from this capacity, and now am living a more or less hermit life in the hills of the Algarve. 

Disappointed students are now asking me if I would create an Online Mantra Course that they could purchase and keep contact with me via videos and personal instruction. 

This would mean a huge work and some technical skills I don't yet have. But I am willing to look into it if enough people would be interested in such a Course. 

if this is you, please add your name and email to the Contact list on my website via this link:

And you will among the first to know about it, if it becomes available.

Thank you,
Muz Murray

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